Trunk or Treat 2024

About Community Services, Inc.
Having formed in 1966 in response to the federal administration’s declaration of war on poverty, Community Services, Inc. (CSI) has been providing services to individuals, families, and the communities it serves for almost 60 years. Community Services, Inc. has strived to provide needed support with empathy and concern for those we serve and is committed to assisting clients to become self-reliant and alleviating the debilitating effects of poverty.
Community Services, Inc. offers clients and the community an array of services, including home-delivered meals for seniors and the disabled through the Meals on Wheels program and demand response transportation through Community Transit Service. In addition, through Community Services Block Grant programs, CSI also provides education support, employment support, and assistance with housing, utilities, food, and transportation costs.
As a community action agency, we have assisted thousands of individuals and families in achieving home stability, realizing educational dreams, and satisfying basic life needs. In 2020, Community Services, Inc. helped 1,789 individuals and 1,037 families with our combined programs and ancillary services. Services are offered in ten Texas counties through local Workforce Centers, the Serve Denton office, and CSI’s main office.